Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When it's good to be childish

Looking at Psalm 131, how are we to be childlike without being childish?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Patricia St. John

This entry isn't actually my own. It is a recording of a talk by Patricia St. John, the author of many books that make deep truths of Christianity understandable for children (and the rest of us too).


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Say One Thing: A mini-seminar for speakers

I am really excited about getting together to think about how to be more effective as speakers! Thanks for your interest in thinking things through. What a privilege it is to be a tool in God's hands to make clear the truth that will set people free!

In preparation for our time together, watch this video and then fill out this speaker worksheet (Word file). Then bring the completed sheet to our session so we can work through your ideas and hopefully help you be more effective in communicating God's Word to your hearers.

I pray that our interaction will sharpen your message and that God will use it to change lives!

P.S. At least one problem had trouble viewing the video so here is an audio file that hopefully will work.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How Great is Your God?

How great is your God, really? Sometimes I say I believe in the God over all but then in my heart and in my actions, I betray a smaller view of Him than I'd like to admit. As we look at Exodus 6-11, we find a God who is without rival whom we can completely trust! Listen

Friday, November 7, 2008

Grace that Teaches Fear

In Psalm 51, David describes the incredible grace of God that taught Him to fear before it relieved that fear. Listen

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ending at the Beginning

What do you say to people who find life to be very troubling? Isaiah helps us by an answer God gave through him in chapter 65. Listen

Monday, October 29, 2007

Who dares to wrestle with God

How do you respond to things that challenge your sense of well-being? Sometimes we fight. Like a dog that is threatened, we try to attack or frighten off what challenges us. Sometimes we flee. Like a deer we run, or like an opossum we play dead.

So what should we do? The story of Jacob, who was renamed Israel (Genesis 32), gives us a very surprising answer! Listen